The seventh edition of the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey is now available for download at no cost. These Standards were adopted January 2014 and include additional guidance for assessing downstream stability, rip rap design, the use of infiltration and additional vegetative options for use in the Pinelands National Reserve. 

Proposed amendments to the Standard for Topsoiling and the Standard for Land Grading were not adopted, and are undergoing further revision. Therefore, the 1999 version of those Standards remain in effect until changes are formally adopted by the State Soil Conservation Committee.

To allow districts and the regulated community adequate opportunity to adjust to changes to the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control, the effective date for these amendments is February 20, 2014.

All Standards will be available on the New Jersey Department of Agriculture website ( and will no longer be provided in a printed form.

Summary and Overview of the 2014 Erosion Control Standards (PDF) 

2014 Erosion Control Standards Errata (PDF)

Plan Review Checklist

Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Act

Of all the various forms of pollution, sediment is one of our largest pollutant by volume with its most devastating impact seen in the State waterways and aquatic systems. Some of the negative impacts of soil erosion and sedimentation include, but are not limited to, reduced carrying capacity of waterways, increase in flooding, stressed aquatic ecosystems due to the reduction of dissolved oxygen and reduced infiltration of sunlight. In addition, the economical costs associated with soil erosion include the extremely high costs of dredging silted waterways to improve navigation and increase the carrying capacity of waterways to reduce flooding.

In the early 1970's, the New Jersey State Legislature realized this problem and the effects it was having on New Jersey's environment, economics, and quality of life. In 1975, the State Legislature passed Chapter 251, P.L. 1975, the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act of New Jersey.

This legislation gave the Districts the authority to control soil erosion and sedimentation by requiring the submission of a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for almost all soil disturbances over 5,000 square feet.

The Cumberland Salem Conservation District is responsible for reviewing and certifying all Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for soil disturbances over 5,000 square feet while performing subsequent inspections to insure compliance with the soil erosion and sediment control practices shown on the certified plans.

RFA Application for the Stormwater Construction Permit Program:

Important Note: The Stormwater Construction Permit Program (RFA) has converted to an electronic E-Permit submission process.

Effective October 1, 2009, paper copies of the Requests for Authorization (RFA) for the Stormwater Construction General (5G3) Permit will no longer be accepted or processed at the District Office. Applicants are now required to submit their Stormwater RFA applications and payments via the NJDEP's website. The Soil Erosion and Sediment Control (SESC) plan approval process; however, has not changed and SESC plans will still be processed at your local Soil Conservation District.

When completing their RFA - 5G3 application on the NJDEP website, applicants will need to verify that they have obtained a certified Soil Erosion and Sediment Control plan. At the time your Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is certified by the local Soil Conservation District, the District will provide the owner with the required SCD Certification Code and 251 Identification Code needed to file the RFA - 5G3 permit online. 

You are required to file your RFA - 5G3 permit before starting soil disturbing activities on site.

The Stormwater Construction General Permit Program requires construction activities including clearing, grading and excavating that disturb one (1) acre or more to obtain authorization of a Construction Stormwater Permit (5G3-NJ0088323). Additional information is available at,or contact the NJDEP Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control at 609-633-7021 with questions.